Civics and Ethical Education - Grade 12 -2023 G.C

Grade 12 students can now access their exam results by visiting the Educational Assessment and Examination Services (EAES) website.

85. Ato Kinde is a resident in Addis Ababa who is engaged in a retail business sector. He complained to the Wereda Income and Revenue Authority that he is requested to pay more amount of tax than those who have the same amount of earning with him. Accordingly, which principle of taxation is violated by the Wereda Income and Revenue Authority in this case?

  1. Tax avoidance
  2. Vertical Equity.
  3. Ability to pay.
  4. Horizontal equity

86. Which one of the following is the negative impact of international monetary organizations on the development of third world countries?

  1. Influencing a country politically and culturally.
  2. Financing the development efforts of a country.
  3. Stimulating the economy to produce more.
  4. Making funds available for investment.

87. Among the following one is correct concerning the main goal of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Which one?

  1. Mobilization of capital in the local area.
  2. Liberalization of economies for Western products.
  3. They working mainly in response to what happens in the economy.
  4. Increasing production and employment rate.

88. An individual who is charismatic, attractive, appealing, charming and influential is said to possess the personal quality of a leader, which is essential being

  1. engaging
  2. versatile
  3. a motivator
  4. realistic

89. Freedom of the press is vital to enhance the public participation and public responsibility for the reason that

  1. citizens can write whatever pleases them.
  2. it obliges the government to have a limited power.
  3. it is an information channel between the government and the people.
  4. it serves as citizen's instrument of opposition.

We have provided these questions from previous years grade 12 Ethiopian Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination (ESSLCE) exams with the sole purpose of assisting students in their studies and preparations for upcoming exams. Please be aware that these questions are not indicative of future exam content. Good luck with your studies!

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