Biology - Grade 12 -2023 G.C

Grade 12 students can now access their exam results by visiting the Educational Assessment and Examination Services (EAES) website.

75. Which one of the following sentences is correct about apo-enzymes? They

  1. cofactors that give an enzyme its catalytic activity.
  2. proteins that combine with cofactors to form active enzymes.
  3. organic molecules and many are derived from vitamins.
  4. inorganic molecules that bind loosely with the cofactors.

76. How does a competitive inhibitor affect an enzyme catalyzed reaction? By

  1. denaturing the active site of the enzyme
  2. producing conformational change of the enzyme
  3. binding to the allosteric site of the enzyme
  4. blocking the active site of the enzyme

77. Which one of the following groups of organisms is correctly matched with its phylum?

  1. Starfish-Phylum Echinodermata
  2. Fish- Phylum Arthropoda
  3. Snail - Phylum Annelida
  4. Earthworm - Phylum Mollusca

78. zoologist studied 5 vertebrate species (spA, spB, spC, spD & spE) and described their features as follows.
spA: Smooth moist skin; pass parts of their lives in water and on land
spB: Streamlined bodies with scales; gills for gaseous exchange
spC: Feathers over the body and scales on legs; endothermic; horny beak
spD: Dry skin with scales; ectothermic; lungs for respiration
spE: Mammary glands; endothermic; higher internal body temperature
Based on the features listed above, spA, spB, spC, spD and spE can be classified under the vertebrate classes, respectively,

  1. Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia, and Pisces.
  2. Pisces, Aves, Reptilia, Mammalia, and Amphibia.
  3. Pisces, Amphibia, Aves, Reptilia, and Mammalia.
  4. Amphibia, Pisces, Aves, Reptilia, and Mammalia.

79. Which one of the following events happens during carbon cycle? Carbon dioxide is

  1. transferred from plants to animals by their feeding relationship.
  2. absorbed from air when microbes decompose plants and animals.
  3. removed from the air by animals during respiration.
  4. returned into the air by plants during photosynthesis.

We have provided these questions from previous years grade 12 Ethiopian Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination (ESSLCE) exams with the sole purpose of assisting students in their studies and preparations for upcoming exams. Please be aware that these questions are not indicative of future exam content. Good luck with your studies!

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